Peter & Steffi Shilton Consultancy Ltd

Peter and Steffi Shilton Celebrity ambassadors Peter Shilton football



Welcome to Peter & Steffi Shilton's Consultancy. Between us both we possess a vast amount of experience in public service, healthcare and the sporting industry. We are highly professional champions in our fields and because of that we feel that we can offer great experience in assisting you to enhance your brands, companies or services.

We pride ourselves on being approachable and feel we have the human touch that is needed in your business.

Who Can Benefit


NHS Providers, Healthcare Providers, Consumers seeking celebrity Ambassadors, All providers and individuals involved in the Football Industry. Market branding, including support in media campaigns.

 An Adviser or a Consultancy Specialist can create:

Improvements and recognise infrastructure within teams

 Enhance poor performance and identify areas not operating efficiently

 Create savings and advice, improving efficiency and productivity

 Help implement changes

 Self motivated, minimal supervision and ability to raise morale within teams

 Commune improvement ideas

 Create value, improve performance



Ambassador benefits



Increasing visibility of your brand

Strengthens and solidifies relationships between company and clients/customers

Always relevant with a substantial reach for a target audience

Global branding

Adds strength to your marketing team





07719 108 171